(727) 480-6808

Make A Plan While You Can

Our time left on Earth is unpredictable. You are in control of your legacy. Organize your vital documents and information in one place, even before a time of crisis or death comes.

A few hours of organizing could save you thousands of dollars in legal fees!

Not having all of your loved one's vital documents in one place can incur the burden of legal fees and could cause even more chaos and grief during a time that is already incredibly challenging. You have the power to prevent this from happening.

Make A Plan While You Can


+ Complimentary Digital & Physical Workbook


Make A Plan While You Can


+ Complimentary Digital & Physical Workbook


Online Group Workshop - September 2024

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Sep 2 | Mon. 7:00-8:00 pm

Sep 9 | Mon. 7:00-8:00 pm

Sep 16 | Mon. 7:00-8:00 pm

Sep 23 | Mon. 7:00-8:00 pm


+ Complimentary Digital & Physical Workbook


+ Complimentary Digital & Physical Workbook


Are you prepared for a time of crisis?

No one knows when a time of crisis will come, but being prepared can help ease the stress that comes with it. That's why Grief Without Chaos ™ was created – to help you organize your vital documents and information in one place, so you're ready for anything.

No one wants to think about death or a time of crisis, but it's a reality we all have to face. And when that time comes, it's important to have your affairs in order.

If you don't have a plan for what happens when you die or if you're faced with a crisis, your loved ones will be left dealing with the aftermath. This can lead to undue stress and chaos at a time when they should be grieving.

  • Never lose your vital information again

  • Easily find your vital documents and information in a time of crisis

  • Create an easy-to-follow system for yourself and your loved ones

  • Get your life in order BEFORE the unexpected

  • Gain peace of mind knowing everything is organized and in one place

My Story

Ann Cueva

Founder, Custom Organizing, Inc.

On July 19, 2003, my mother and sister, Beverly, and I were celebrating Beverly’s birthday in Orlando. We had just come in from a lovely evening of dinner and a play. I received the worst call a parent can receive. My husband called telling me I needed to come home right away. He said, “We think David, my son, has had a heart attack. He was 17! How can a 17-year-old have a heart attack? Needless to say, my life has never been the same since that moment.

One vivid memory I have from that night in the emergency room was a woman handing me a packet saying, “ Tomorrow you will need to begin making funeral arrangements for your son.” It was like I was in a movie where the world was moving in slow motion. Her lips were moving but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. The next day with the love, support, and help of family and friends, David’s funeral arrangements were made.

As a” professional organizer, my paperwork was in order and it did not take long to gather. The funeral director even told Beverly, “He had never seen anyone have all of the information he needed on the first request.”

After two autopsies: cause of death - unknown. David was an organ donor; unfortunately, with no cause of death, they could not use his organs. We were able to donate his heart for research and study at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. To date, there is still no cause of death.

At age six, David began saying to us, “One day I’m going to be famous!” He would repeatedly, throughout the years, practice his signature so when the “big time” came he would be ready to autograph pictures. The study at Mayo Clinic continues and one day his cause of death might be determined. If they do find something, maybe it will be named after him…making him famous! Until then, maybe this book, created to help others remove the chaos from grief, will be his legacy.

Ann Cueva is a respected expert and authority in the field of improving lives by removing the clutter that is weighing them down.

If you need or want a change in your life, contact Ann for a free, 30-minute, Discovery Session. Together we can see how I can meet your needs.


© 2024 Custom Organizing, Inc.